
Phone Number: 5107789117
Describe your affiliation with ATOS or theatre organ: Manage Facebook pages for both NorCal and Sierra ATOS chapters.


This time, the travels took me to Lafayette, IN, a town I called home on two different occasions in my professional life, and a place where I jumped in with both feet into the world of theatre organ. I call it “my musical home.”

As I turn 61 this week, it is hard to imagine I moved to Lafayette in 1976 for my first job in TV, and in 1979 began working toward installing a theatre organ at the old Mars Theatre, now Long Center. Gads, does time indeed fly by. We premiered the organ in 1982.

I’m off and running again Wednesday (Oct 17, '13), including a stop with the Manasota chapter down in the Sarasota, FL area. It will be good to see John Fischer, Norm Arnold, Chuck et. al. that have focused their chapter’s energies around the great Wurlitzer at Grace Baptist Church.