News about ATOS and the world of Theatre Organ internationally.

Friday, April 22nd 2011

Greetings...and lots of little odds and ends to chat about, or rather “blog” about.

April 15th (or this year, April 18th) is not only tax day - and don’t get me started on the issues emanating from our nation’s capital - but it also marks a couple of deadline dates for ATOS.

Wednesday, March 23rd 2011

ATOS Prez Blog...March 25, 2011

As always, there is a lot going on with a lot of projects involving a lot of ATOS folks!
I have just wrapped up a visit to Massachusetts, and it’s been amazing. EMCATOS, the Eastern Massachusetts Chapter, is most definitely ready for this summer’s convention.
Bob Evans, Don Phipps, Len Beyersdorfer, Dick Hanverger, Bruce Hager and a whole bunch of the chapter’s enthusiastic members are right on schedule for what should be a fantastic convention.
While finishing a CD at the Babson College 4/17 Wurlitzer, I had a chance to get a sneak-peek at the new installation at the Hanover Center in Worcester. Since the Clark Wilson/Carlton Smith tonal finishing effort, this big 4/35 Wurlitzer, in an elegant, handsome setting, will be a spectacular venue (see article in current Theatre Organ).
The organ is BIG, rich, lush and wonderful.
Sunday, July 11th 2010

Frank Bindt, one of the founders of the American Theatre Organ Society (then known as ATOE), and a legend in ATOE/ATOS history, passed away on July 12, 2010

Saturday, June 5th 2010

Most certainly there were tears, but there were clearly more laughs, most generated by video stories and remembrances as Rosa Rio, in a fitting tribute, enjoyed the stage and spotlight at her beloved Tampa Theatre one more time.

Tuesday, October 13th 2009

To say I’ve been traveling a lot does not do the term “traveling” justice.

As I write this, I have been home now for four longest stretch at home in over five weeks!!

Monday, July 13th 2009

Greetings all from (today, July 13) rainy St. Petersburg, FL.
I’m not sure where to begin. The convention has ended and there is a warm glow, a busy buzz, a need for a nap, and a great big smile for a most successful event on almost all fronts.

Tuesday, June 16th 2009

Thank heaven I packed heavy long sleeved shirts. It’s still cold in Chicago!!

Thursday, May 7th 2009

Yikes has it been busy!

Greetings from St. Petersburg, FL where we have not had rain in three weeks or more.  Mrs. O’Leary’s cow won’t have nuthin’ on the guy who drops an ill-timed, still-burning cigarette butt on the side of the road down here!

Wednesday, February 25th 2009


I counted dates on the calendar the other day, and once February 28th hits, it will signal the end of a 41-day stretch, of which I will have spent 32 on the road. At times, I wonder why I pay rent!

But the travel is enlightening, heartening, mostly fun, and very worthwhile. In January and February, I have had the opportunity to touch base on the following:

Saturday, September 20th 2008

Ken Double’s Blog – or – This is a good way to spend time while at the airport!

I am winging my way back to Florida after an 11-day trip into Indiana and New York State. This trip accomplished several things. First, I performed at the Grande Barton organ at the Warren Performing Arts Center in Indianapolis, and then had the chance to play the Forum Theatre 4m Robert Morton organ in Binghamton, NY. I always enjoy playing the Barton – a truly great sound in that hall; and thoroughly enjoyed my first opportunity to play the Morton.