News about ATOS and the world of Theatre Organ internationally.

Friday, August 23rd 2013

ATOS Radio is now featuring Half Hourly Webcasts of Steve Ashleys' Hot Pipes, a new show will broadcast every week at the following times - Tuesday 2pm, Wednesday 9pm, Thursday 4am - all times Eastern US. Click to listen to ATOS Radio.

Wednesday, August 21st 2013

Dr. William Coale Will Write Definitive Bio of Legendary Organist

Wednesday, July 10th 2013

NYTOS Awards Dan Minervini Scholarship, Concert Date

At the just-concluded ATOS Annual Convention, attendees were treated to one of the best Young Theatre Organist Competition performances ever, as all three candidates performed brilliantly.

Detroit native Justin LaVoie was named the winner, and in addition to his ATOS awards, was provided a $1,000 award by the Garden State chapter.

Moments after that was announced, the Central Florida chapter awarded Danny McCollum a $500 scholarship to help him continue his studies with Dwight Thomas.

Tuesday, July 9th 2013


At the ATOS annual convention in Atlanta, attendees were treated to the return of the Young Theatre Organists’ Competition (YTOC). After a three-year hiatus, the competition returned with Danny McCollum, Dan Minervini, and Justin LaVoie as the three finalists performing at the convention.

Sunday, May 19th 2013

As an active member of the New York Theatre Organ Society, Dan helps regularly on the work crew to restore the 4/26 Wurlitzer at Long Island University. He is currently serving as an elected member of the NYTOS board of directors. We have much to look forward to with Dan's future theatre organ accomplishments and involvement with ATOS, especially once he begins his two-year term as the Youth Representative to the Board this summer.

Nathan Avakian
Youth Representative

Monday, April 15th 2013

The ATOS promotional posters features in Theatre Organ magazine are now available for free download to Chapters. You can download them here:

Friday, March 29th 2013

The Eastern Massachusetts Chapter of the American Theatre Organ Society (EMC-ATOS) annually offers a scholarship to the ATOS Technical Experience in the amount of $500.

Interested applicants should send a letter to the address listed below. Applications due by June 1, 2013.

The letter should contain the following information:

  1. Name, age, chapter affiliation (if any)
  2. Experience with maintenance of theatre organs.
  3. Primary reason for attending the ATOS Technical Experience
Thursday, December 13th 2012

Greetings all, from a sunny-yet-chilled-Atlanta!

I am back after a second trip to Florida in the past month, this time I was involved in a most successful holiday fund-raiser for the Central Florida Chapter of ATOS. I had the privilege of sharing the bench with at the 3/9 Wurlitzer (nicely augmented by some excellent digital voices) at the Pinellas Park Auditorium.

Tuesday, December 4th 2012


And what the heck is that supposed to mean? I’ll explain.

For the second time in a month, I am headed back to Florida, the Tampa area again.
I hope to catch up on some things, including what is happening with the big 5-manual Walker at the Tampa Bay Lightning arena now that hockey is on the brink of cancelling the entire 2012-2013 season. Not sure the organ has been heard in any capacity, so I will chat with the locals and find out.

Wednesday, November 14th 2012

Greetings from a growing-chillier-every-day-Atlanta, GA.