News about ATOS and the world of Theatre Organ internationally.

Thursday, July 21st 2022

Awards that were presented at the 2022 annual convention in San Diego, July 2022.
Organist of the Year: Zach Frame
Hall of Fame: Jonas Nordwall
Honorary Member: Bob MacNeur
Member of the Year: Catherine Oliver
Special Merit Award: David Rhodes
Industry Achievement: Organ Stop Pizza

Thursday, July 21st 2022

Zach Frame

Zach received the award at the annual convention in San Diego in July.

Thursday, July 7th 2022

Theatre organ friends, again it has fallen on me to relay the news that we have lost another valued member of our community. Stanley “Stan” Zimmerman passed away today after a period of rapid decline. Stan was born in Moline IL in farm country. He became interested in the organ and its music at an early age.

Thursday, June 30th 2022

View Article Here

Sunday, May 15th 2022

Covid Policy Update

A change was made to the ATOS event attendance policy effective May 5, 2022. Here is the revised policy:
ATOS will follow the COVID policy in effect in the venue at the time of the event.
During the 2022 convention, masks will not be required unless the venue specifically requires such.

Thursday, December 30th 2021

The theatre organ world lost a monumental leader and benefactor when Jack Moelmann passed away on Dec. 30, 2021. Jack was a member of ATOS since 1967, served on their Board of Directors in one capacity or another continuously for 23 years (1983-2006), chaired several committees, and was the ATOS President from 1985 until 1988.

Tuesday, August 17th 2021

ATOS Chairman, Tedde Gibson, will accompany Sex and the City alum Mario Cantone on the theatre organ in "Wicked-in Concert". It will be shown Sunday, August 29, @9:00pm on PBS! It will be shown several more times throughout the week, so check your local listings for additional showtimes.

Tuesday, August 17th 2021

We are pleased to announce the Board of Directors for the following year:

Tedde Gibson, Chairman of the Board
Taylor Trimby, Vice-Chairman of the Board
Dave Calendine, Treasurer and Immediate Past Chairman
Luke Staisiunas, Secretary

Friday, August 6th 2021

American Theatre Organ Society Announces
2021 Award Winners

The American Theatre Organ Society Awards Committee announced its 2021 Awards of Distinction at the Unconventional Convention in July.

Tuesday, August 3rd 2021

With over 700 votes returned, we am happy that over 40% of our membership engaged in the process of voting. Not many organizations can say that!

Number of ballots cast – 704

Results (in alphabetical order):

George Andersen – 508
Dave Calendine – 565
David M. Finkel – 504

Ed Garcia – 473